These few days were emo-ing and thinking lots of things. I guess having some one attention is so hard that it even might hurt your ownself, I guess i should get over it and get a new life so i wouldnt suffer that much. Loving some one is hard enough for myself to contain when the person doesnt like you... Sigh..
After so much of thoughts, the best thing is still being friends. That way, we couldnt get hurt, and still have fun at all times. Being friends can share so much more things together. Wether we are sad, happy, grief or even angry. We might fight or even quarrel, but still friendship is utterly important. No friendship is just like a man without its wealth.~
Enough bout thoughts already, well today i went out with Wei Pen. We went to watch The Losers. It was quite a nice movie. Nice gun shot act, and storyline, I personally love the Sharp Shooter in the movie. Later on we went to Uncle John to have our dinner, had our PLKN stories popping out during our conversation. Starting to miss PLKN life, at least in PLKN we dont need to worry so many things. Went to Sports Bar for pool after our lovely meal, hehe, I won Wei Pen 6 Matches out of 10~ Was quite satisfied. Have to improve in order to beat my next target: MY DAD. xD

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